Bluetooth Serial Monitor
The Bluetooth Serial Monitor App is a mobile app that has a user interface that looks like the Serial Monitor of Arduino IDE. It is originally designed for Arduino but can work with any devices that support Classic Bluetooth or Bluetooth Low Energy - BLE (Bluetooth 4.0). You can interact with Bluetooth devices via this app as if It is the Serial Monitor of Arduino IDE on your PC. There are also some improvements:
- Data sent from the Bluetooth Serial Monitor app is also shown on the console to make it easy to see the history
- Data sent from the Bluetooth Serial Monitor app is marked with blue color (Bluetooth color)
- Data received by the Bluetooth Serial Monitor app is marked with cyan color (Arduino color)
At A Glance
Install App
- Bluetooth Serial Monitor for Android on Play Store as below:

- Bluetooth Serial Monitor for iOS on Apple Store (not available yet)
You may be asked to enable the location service to scan Bluetooth by Android. This happens on some Android versions. You can see more in Android Developer site. Our app does not collect your location
User Interface

After opening the app, you will see:
- Bluetooth Selection with two options: Classic Bluetooth (Bluetooth 2.0) and Bluetooth Low Energy - BLE (Bluetooth 4.0)

- If you choose one of the above Bluetooth modes, a pairing screen will appear

- After paring, you will see the Serial Monitor screen with the following items:

- Paired device name
- Connection state
- Output console: display data received from Bluetooth
- CLEAR button: clear all text on the output console.
- Textbox: user can type characters to send to the paired device via Bluetooth
- Ending selection: select the ending characters appended to data sent to Arduino. Selection includes:
- None: append nothing
- LF: append newline (LF, or '\n') character
- CR: append carriage return (CR, or '\r') character
- CR&LF: append both newline and carriage return (CRLF, or '\r\n') characters
- SEND button: when the button is pressed, The app sends data in the textbox plus the ending characters to Arduino

The app works with
- Arduino + HC-05 Bluetooth module (Bluetooth 2.0), TESTED
- Arduino + HM-10 Bluetooth module (Bluetooth 4.0), TESTED
- ESP32 with built-in BLE, TESTED
- Arduino Nano 33 BLE (Bluetooth 4.0)
- Any micro-controller + HC-05 Bluetooth module (Bluetooth 2.0)
- Any micro-controller + HM-10 Bluetooth module (Bluetooth 4.0)
- Other Bluetooth (Bluetooth 2.0) or BLE (Bluetooth 4.0) device/module
For iOS
We could create an app for iOS. However, Apple charges a high annual fee for an app to be available on App Store. And we currently do NOT know if this app is useful for many people. Therefore, we do not create it now. We will create an iOS app if one of the following conditions is met:
- Many people use on Android version
- We get enough support from communities. You can support us via PayPal.Me/arduinogetstarted, or send the fund directly to our PayPal account address:
- You can comment on the YouTube video to let request us to make this app available for iOS. We will release the iOS app if there are many people requested.
If this app is useful for you, please give it a 5-star rating on Play Store. Thank you!