Arduino FAQs

1How to learn Arduino
2Arduino Uno R3 vs R4
3How to check if a library is compatible with Arduino Uno R4
4How to use millis() instead of delay()
5How to combine two Arduino sketches
6How to use more GND/VCC pin on Arduino
7How to use external reset button for Arduino
8Where to ask Arduino question
9Serial.print() vs Serial.println()
10digitalWrite() vs analogWrite()
11Arduino Uno vs Mega
12Arduino Uno Pinout
13Arduino - Button value changes between 0 and 1 randomly
14Arduino - How to detect button press event
15Arduino Pull-up Pull-down Resistor
16Arduino automatically restarts
17Arduino prints float/double variable with decimal places
18How to use external power supply for Arduino
19fatal error: library.h: No such file or directory
20How to pass array to function in Arduino
21How to pass string to function in Arduino
22How to create Class and Object on Arduino IDE
23How to filter noise from sensor
24How to install library on Arduino IDE
25How to uninstall library on Arduino IDE
26How to print an empty line on Serial Monitor
27One button for multiple functions
28Button does not work
29Why needs debounce for button
30Serial Monitor shows weird characters
31LCD does not display characters
32Servo motor does not work
33low memory available, stability problems may occur
34avrdude: stk500v2_ReceiveMessage(): timeout
35How to blink multiple LED
36How to use array of servo motor
37How to use push-button as on-off switch
38How To use special character on LCD
39How to use button to start/stop the loop
40How to use button to start program
41How to use the multiple passwords for keypad
42How to use more digital pins on Arduino Uno
43How to use buzzer without blocking other code
44How to debounce for multiple buttons
45How to input a multiple digits number using the keypad
46How to control speed of servo motor
47How to add a header file on Arduino IDE
48How to convert string variable to integer in Arduino
49How to reset Arduino by programming
50How to know value of resistor
51How to fade LED in a time period
52How to connect multiple SPI sensors/devices with Arduino
53How to connect multiple I2C sensors/devices with Arduino
54How to know I2C address of sensor/device
55How to dectect presence/absence of something
56How to vertical and horizontal center align text/number on OLED
57How to connect two Arduino directly via Ethernet cable
58How to make the wiring tidy, neat, and firm
59How to debug Arduino code
60How to delete code on Arduino board
61How many LED/relays can Arduino control
62avrdude: ser_open(): can't open device
63DS3231 vs DS1307
64error: expected ',' or ';' before
65error: 'variable' was not declared in this scope
66Switch Case statement does not work correctly
67Stepper motor moves slowly
68What is Serial.println(F(""))
69Is It possible to read the code from Arduino board
70Arduino code does not work when switching from USB to power supply
71Arduino Uno R4 WiFi WiFiSSLClient does not work

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