How to use buzzer without blocking other code

How can I play melody using Arduino and buzzer WITHOUT blocking other code? Example from Arduino IDE uses the delay() function. This blocks other code. How can I solve it?


You can solve the above issue by using ezBuzzer Library. This library allows you to generate a beep, play a melody, stop playing a melody without using delay() function. In other words, this library is non-blocking. All works are done on background.

You can refer to the below example. The example do:

Wiring Diagram

Arduino Button Piezo Buzzer Wiring Diagram

Arduino Code

/* Created by This example code is in the public domain Tutorial page: Library References: This example uses a piezo buzzer: + plays a melody once on background each time a button is pressed + stops playing a melody when another button is pressed + without using delay() function, this is a non-blocking example */ #include <ezBuzzer.h> // ezBuzzer library const int START_BUTTON_PIN = 7; const int STOP_BUTTON_PIN = 8; const int BUZZER_PIN = 3; int lastStartButtonState = HIGH; // the previous state from the input pin int lastStopButtonState = HIGH; // the previous state from the input pin ezBuzzer buzzer(BUZZER_PIN); // create ezBuzzer object that attach to a pin; // notes in the melody: int melody[] = { NOTE_E5, NOTE_E5, NOTE_E5, NOTE_E5, NOTE_E5, NOTE_E5, NOTE_E5, NOTE_G5, NOTE_C5, NOTE_D5, NOTE_E5, NOTE_F5, NOTE_F5, NOTE_F5, NOTE_F5, NOTE_F5, NOTE_E5, NOTE_E5, NOTE_E5, NOTE_E5, NOTE_E5, NOTE_D5, NOTE_D5, NOTE_E5, NOTE_D5, NOTE_G5 }; // note durations: 4 = quarter note, 8 = eighth note, etc, also called tempo: int noteDurations[] = { 8, 8, 4, 8, 8, 4, 8, 8, 8, 8, 2, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 8, 16, 16, 8, 8, 8, 8, 4, 4 }; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); pinMode(START_BUTTON_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); pinMode(STOP_BUTTON_PIN, INPUT_PULLUP); } void loop() { buzzer.loop(); // MUST call the buzzer.loop() function in loop() int startButtonState = digitalRead(START_BUTTON_PIN); int stopButtonState = digitalRead(STOP_BUTTON_PIN); if (lastStartButtonState == HIGH && startButtonState == LOW) { Serial.println("The START button is pressed"); if (buzzer.getState() == BUZZER_IDLE) { int length = sizeof(noteDurations) / sizeof(int); buzzer.playMelody(melody, noteDurations, length); // playing } } if (lastStopButtonState == HIGH && stopButtonState == LOW) { Serial.println("The STOP button is pressed"); if (buzzer.getState() != BUZZER_IDLE) { buzzer.stop() ; // stop } } lastStartButtonState = startButtonState; lastStopButtonState = stopButtonState; }

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