String.opérateur ==

false : si ce n'est pas le cas.


Compare l'égalité de deux objets String. La comparaison est sensible à la casse, ainsi le String "hello" n'est pas égal au String "HELLO". Cet opérateur fonctionne de la même façon que equals()


string1 == string2


  • string1: une variable de type String()
  • string2: une autre variable de type String()

Valeurs Renvoyées

  • True : si l'objet string est égal à l'objet string2
  • False : si ce n'est pas le cas


String stringOne, stringTwo; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); stringOne = String("this"); stringTwo = String("that"); Serial.println("\n\nComparing Strings:"); } void loop() { // two strings equal: if (stringOne == "this") { Serial.println("StringOne == \"this\""); } // two strings not equal: if (stringOne != stringTwo) { Serial.println(stringOne + " =! " + stringTwo); } // two strings not equal (case sensitivity matters): stringOne = "This"; stringTwo = "this"; if (stringOne != stringTwo) { Serial.println(stringOne + " =! " + stringTwo); } // you can also use equals() to see if two strings are the same: if (stringOne.equals(stringTwo)) { Serial.println(stringOne + " equals " + stringTwo); } else { Serial.println(stringOne + " does not equal " + stringTwo); } // or perhaps you want to ignore case: if (stringOne.equalsIgnoreCase(stringTwo)) { Serial.println(stringOne + " equals (ignoring case) " + stringTwo); } else { Serial.println(stringOne + " does not equal (ignoring case) " + stringTwo); } // a numeric string compared to the number it represents: stringOne = "1"; int numberOne = 1; if (stringOne == numberOne) { Serial.println(stringOne + " = " + numberOne); } // two numeric strings compared: stringOne = "2"; stringTwo = "1"; if (stringOne >= stringTwo) { Serial.println(stringOne + " >= " + stringTwo); } // comparison operators can be used to compare strings for alphabetic sorting too: stringOne = String("Brown"); if (stringOne < "Charles") { Serial.println(stringOne + " < Charles"); } if (stringOne > "Adams") { Serial.println(stringOne + " > Adams"); } if (stringOne <= "Browne") { Serial.println(stringOne + " <= Browne"); } if (stringOne >= "Brow") { Serial.println(stringOne + " >= Brow"); } // the compareTo() operator also allows you to compare strings // it evaluates on the first character that's different. // if the first character of the string you're comparing to // comes first in alphanumeric order, then compareTo() is greater than 0: stringOne = "Cucumber"; stringTwo = "Cucuracha"; if (stringOne.compareTo(stringTwo) < 0 ) { Serial.println(stringOne + " comes before " + stringTwo); } else { Serial.println(stringOne + " comes after " + stringTwo); } delay(10000); // because the next part is a loop: // compareTo() is handy when you've got strings with numbers in them too: while (true) { stringOne = "Sensor: "; stringTwo = "Sensor: "; stringOne += analogRead(A0); stringTwo += analogRead(A5); if (stringOne.compareTo(stringTwo) < 0 ) { Serial.println(stringOne + " comes before " + stringTwo); } else { Serial.println(stringOne + " comes after " + stringTwo); } } }


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