Arduino - Send SMS Message
In this tutorial we are going to learn how to use Arduino to send SMS message.
There are serveral ways to send SMS message from Arduino:
- Using SIM cards and GSM module/shield: disadvantages: It is not easy for beginners.
- Using IFTTT: very easy and simple
This tutorial uses IFTTT to send SMS message. The code is available for Arduino Ethernet Shield. You can modify it to make it works with other shield/board
Sending SMS message via IFTTT only works on Android phone and The Android phone must be connected to Internet.
The tutorial provides the Arduino code for two cases:
- Arduino Uno R4 WiFi
- Arduino Uno/Mega with Ethernet Shield
Hardware Required
1 | × | Arduino UNO R4 WiFi | |
1 | × | USB Cable Type-A to Type-C (for USB-A PC) | |
1 | × | USB Cable Type-C to Type-C (for USB-C PC) |
Alternatively if using Ethernet:
Or you can buy the following sensor kits:
1 | × | DIYables Sensor Kit (30 sensors/displays) | |
1 | × | DIYables Sensor Kit (18 sensors/displays) |
Additionally, some links direct to products from our own brand, DIYables .
If you do not know about IFTTT and related concepts, We highly recommend you reading the following tutorials:
Wiring Diagram
- Arduino - Ethernet Shield: we just need to stack the shield on Arduino Uno/Mega

How It Works
We need to:
- Install IFTTT app from Google Play Store on Android phone. IFTTT service which runs on the background is also installed.
- Create an IFTTT Applet on the IFTTT website, which connects Webhooks to SMS service.
When we create the Applet:
- We can specify the phone number we want to send the SMS message to.
- We can write the content of the SMS message to be sent.
- We can include data from Arduino to the content of SMS message.
The content of the SMS message is specified on the Applet, not in the Arduino code.
- Arduino makes an HTTP request to Webhooks of IFTTT,
- Webhooks triggers SMS service on IFTTT
- SMS service on IFTTT sends a command to IFTTT service on your Android phone.
- IFTTT service on your Android phone sends an SMS from your Android device to any phone number you specify.
How To Use IFTTT with Arduino
- Install IFTTT app from Google Play Store on Android phone
- Create an IFTTT account and Login to IFTTT.
- Create an Applet of Webhooks and SMS services. Please write down the event name we uses
- After creating the applet, get Webhooks key from IFTTT.
- Copy below Arduino code and paste in Arduino IDE.
- Replace event name and Webhooks key in the Arduino code
- Upload the code to Arduino
- The event name is given by you. You can give any name.
- Webhooks key is created by IFTTT. You can not change it.
See the video tutorial at the end of this tutorial.
Arduino code
Arduino IFTTT code for Arduino Uno R4 WiFi
Arduino IFTTT code for Arduino Uno/Mega with Ethernet Shield
This tutorial used the dynamic IP address (via DHCP). If you want to use the static IP address:
- For Ethernet Shield, you need to modify Arduino code. See Arduino Ethernet Shield with static IP address
In the two above codes, If succeeded,
- The result in Serial Monitor looks like below:
- You receives an SMS message
Video Tutorial
How to Include Sensor Data to SMS Content
To include data from Arduino to SMS content, we need to do:
- In Arduino: Include data into HTTP request (in the query string).
- In Applet: modify the setting to extract data from the HTTP request.
You can learn what is query string in this tutorial
There are 5 variables we can use in the setting of the IFTTT Applet.
{{EventName}} | Extracted from HTTP request |
{{OccurredAt}} | System time when event occurs |
{{Value1}} | Extracted from the variable value1 of query string in HTTP request |
{{Value2}} | Extracted from the variable value2 of query string in HTTP request |
{{Value3}} | Extracted from the variable value3 of query string in HTTP request |
For example:
- In Arduino: Change String queryString = "" to String queryString = "?value1=26&value2=70" in above codes.
- In Applet: Modify the content of SMS message in the setting of the IFTTT Applet as follow:
Hi guy,
This is Arduino Uno, I would like to inform you that:
- The outside temperature is {{Value1}} °C
- The outside humidity is {{Value2}} %
All the above value is measured at {{OccurredAt}}
Good luck and stay healthy!
In the above message, "
" make new line when displaying.
The SMS message will be like below:
You can read the temperature and humidity from sensor and put in the query string. See how to include data from sensor to query string
Challenge Yourself
Based on the above code, make the following project:
- Send an SMS message when the button is pressed
- Send an SMS message when the door is open
- Send an SMS message when the temperature is too hot ...
Note that this tutorial is incomplete. We will post on our Facebook Page when the tutorial is complete. Like it to get updated.